Friday, December 16, 2011

New Front Door

At some point during the summer (yes, summer) we planned on getting new front doors. After many, many very unexpected bumps in the road (an odd sized door and a small entry way) we finally got new doors this week! Sadly, they weren't even close to what we had originally visioned. Before we knew that we would be confined to a very small option of doors, we had picked out these gorgeous craftsman style doors with windows. We were both sad to let those go, but happy to still have new much prettier ones.

Old doors from the inside.
 New doors from the inside.
Old doors from the outside.
 New doors from the outside.
They will look even better when we paint them black. 
Hopefully this summer the whole house will get a new coat of paint as well.

 They had so much fun watching the door being put in.


  1. FINALLY...nice doors....I bed you are ready NOT to be talking doors

  2. that should have said...BET not bed


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