Friday, December 16, 2011

Sewing Kit for Kids

I made these sewing kits for our two nieces (ages 5 and 7) for Christmas this year. I wanted to come up something different and special for them that was craft related. I stumbled upon these on Etsy and knew I had a winner.

These bags were the perfect size to fit all their sewing goodies in. Including a big bag of stuffing to complete their projects with.
I made 7 different sewing projects for each kiddo using felt. Each project was put into a baggie along with any additional items like buttons. The projects included: bird, flower, circle, butterfly, star, heart and cupcake.

I also included this little note in each one:

Sewing Kit

  • 2 dull tip needles
  • 2 spools of thread
  • Various colors of needle point thread
  • 7 projects
  • Large bag of stuffing
  • Measuring tape
  • Scissors

Each project bag has a cut out felt item to make. Some have buttons to sew on and some have additional felt pieces to attach.

  1. Use either a backstitch or a whipstitch to sew your items.
  2. Sew on buttons on additional felt pieces first.
  3. Then sew most of the felt piece together, leaving room to add the stuffing.
  4. Finally, sew up the last hole from where you put the stuffing in.

Yay!!! You are learning how to sew!!!

I hope the girls have a blast with their very own sewing kits!!!

Linking up to:


  1. Great idea! It gave me lots of ideas to get my own children started in sewing!
    Andrea @

  2. Thanks for sharing! My daughter is still tiny, but I look forward to doing things like this for her one day soon! Another sewing idea I saw somewhere is to include a piece of that rubbery shelf liner stuff along with yarn and yarn needles to practice some beginner cross-stitching. :o)

  3. Very cute!! And I love the cupcake you showed =-) My daughter was watching me knit the other day & decided she wanted to as well - it was HILARIOUS!! Not ready for knitting... but maybe some beginning sewing with platic needles....Thanks for linking up to TGIF! Merry Christmas,
    Beth =-)

  4. What a wonderful idea. My daughter keeps telling me she wants to sew, though she is not quite ready for it. I would love it if you would share this at my sharing party at Thank you!

  5. What a cute idea! Thank you for sharing your ideas with us on The Sunday Showcase

  6. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

  7. Stopping by from Sunday Showcase!
    Great idea to make up sewing kits! I added your idea with the photo to my Felt and Flannelboard Fun Board on Pinterest.Hope that you will pop by my blog, Sunrise Learning Lab, to say hello!
    a.k.a. Pinterest Mama


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!