Monday, January 9, 2012

Menu Monday

Monday -- Left over Lasagna from last night (sadly it wasn't fabulous, but there was a lot of it, so half went in the freezer for another time and we'll have plenty for tonight's dinner)

Tuesday -- Halibut and rice (I'll bake it with a little layer of mayo and dill on the top...yummy!)

Wednesday -- Baked Oatmeal

Thursday -- Crepes (as requested by Kenny)

Friday -- Hold on to your seat....I'll be out of town for the weekend! Yep, just me all by myself in the awesome town of San Diego. Where I'll get to visit my friend Michelle and soak up a few rays of sun!! I CAN'T wait to sit on an airplane all by myself for hours!! And not get woken up by a 14 month old who is still not sleeping through the night.

A gigantic thanks to Kenny for letting me go on this adventure. And to Mema and Papa for taking Adalyn for the weekend, so Kenny can enjoy some one-on-one time with Shane.

Saturday and Sunday -- It's up to the boys to fend for themselves. I think they'll manage just fine.

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