Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2012 Goals

I have had some goals for the new year wondering around in my head the last couple weeks. I wasn't sure if I was going to share them, but I decided getting them down here is the best place to keep my goals and it removes them from taking up space in my mind.

  • Make a list of the events that need to get scrapbooked.
  • Get pictures backed up on CDs from the last couple years.
  • Put completed pages into their proper scrapbook home by year.
  • Complete my monthly craft project.
  • Complete Project 52
  • Continue to rotate toys weekly (by theme if possible: animals, transportation, instruments, etc).
  • Each week provide Shane with new activities to work on (mostly for Tuesday and Thursdays).
  • Have a new activity for Adalyn (and Arli) to do at least 3x's a week. 
  • Work on Shane's speech activities 3x's a week (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday).
  • Deep clean and reorganize a room as needed. (Just last week I did both kid bedrooms).
  • Continue to meal plan weekly, potentially adding a lunch plan to each week.

Close To My Heart:
  • Consider ways of adding revenue through the blog.
  • Monthly date night using a babysitter (this is the scariest one of all of them because of the babysitter part). 

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