Thursday, January 5, 2012

Project 52 {1:52}

This year I am going to take a little photography challenge in the form of Project 52. I have created a list of 52 themes (one for each week of the year). Then each week I will take a picture with that theme in mind.

My theme for the first week of the year was {time}.

When I went to check out my list for this week I knew just what I was going to do. Shane has been obsessed with his practice time clock and "matching" it with our clock. He even woke up at 3:30am one morning to tell me his clock wasn't "on point". I reassured him we could deal with it in the morning.

Now this picture was quite challenging for me to take in a photography kind of way. It possessed problems to me that make me want to take more and more photography classes. I couldn't use my flash because it created a terrible glare on the glass. BUT the lighting inside was low on top of it being dark and gray outside. I did the best I could with my very small amount of knowledge regarding lighting and pictures.

I've never played with editing on my pictures before, but I did a little on this one. I don't know that it helped much though. It's not a good picture in the photography sense, but it fits the theme really well.

If you'd like to participate in Project 52 here are the next 4 weeks of themes:
  1. Blanket
  2. Snow/Cold
  3. Cup
  4. Hearts/Love

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