Monday, January 30, 2012

Menu Monday

Monday -- Chicken Noddle Casserole

We didn't have this last week. I bought a whole cooked chicken at Costco yesterday. That will make this recipe a whole lot easier. I'd love to make the creamed soups from scratch, too.

Tuesday -- leftovers (I'm out with the girls from MOPS for dinner.)

Wednesday -- Cheesy Vegetable Chowder

I LOVE soup/chowder. I don't make them much because my family doesn't really enjoy ingredients all mixed together. I am hoping that I can make it chunky enough that I can serve it to the kiddos in separate parts.

Thursday -- leftovers

Friday -- Baked Apple Spiced Oatmeal

We had baked oatmeal a few weeks ago for dinner and it was a huge hit. Very warm and comforting.

Saturday -- Pizza and Salad

Sunday -- Raid the Frig Night

Thanks Pinterest for all your inspiration this week!

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