Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Weekend

We had a fun weekend, full of things we don't normally do. It's nice to have that sometimes.

Shane had his first basketball practice. As expected he was very overwhelmed with a loud gym full of people. But we promised we would stay with him as long as he wanted (which was the whole time). He loosened up towards the end and even told us he really liked it.

Doing some stretching.
 Listening to the coach.
 Learning how to dribble (that is a tough skill to teach a kid).
 More dribbling practice.
 Adalyn had fun running around in an open gym and climbing the bleachers.

Mema got in town on Wednesday so she could watch the kiddos while Kenny and I went to a cocktail party on Saturday night. We were blessed with going out to dinner with just Shane Friday night. When we returned him home, Mema put both kiddos to bed while Kenny and I made a Home Depot run. I know, not very exciting, but really so much easier with out kids.

Shane all dressed up for his popcorn party with Mema on Saturday night.
 Kenny and I ready for our big night out. 
We had a wonderful evening hanging out with adults, 
eating yummy food and enjoying a drink, or two.

Thanks Mema for hanging out with us and helping so much while you were here! And to Papa for managing with out her for 4 days.

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