Monday, March 19, 2012

Menu Monday

I haven't had much of an appetite lately so making dinner just hasn't been appealing to me. I am not feeling much inspiration because nothing really sounds good. I am working on a new meal planner so that others can participate in the meal picking process. I hope to have that completed soon.

I need to go to the store in order to have most of these meals. So things might just change on the menu this week.

Adalyn is also going to my Mom and Dads for the weekend. I just need a break from our non-sleeping teething child. She is so happy during the day, but her sleeping at night has hit rock bottom and I am just plain TIRED.  I hope to get a lot of sleeping in while she is gone and maybe we'll have a dinner out, too. Shane is a great restaurant diner.

Monday -- Grilled Cheese and Tater Tots. (we have an abundance of bread in the house right now)

Tuesday -- Taco Pasta Toss (I need to get to the grocery store though....)

Wednesday -- leftovers

Thursday -- Broccoli and White Cheddar Mac and Cheese

Friday -- leftovers

Saturday -- Slow Cooker French Dip Sandwiches

Sunday -- leftovers

1 comment:

  1. Sending you much love! Sorry it's so bad right now. Hope you have a wonderful weekend break. If I can ever take Shane during Addie's afternoon nap so you can sleep too, I'd love that!


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