Tuesday, March 20, 2012


  • Shane started baseball practice a couple weeks ago. He seems to be really enjoying it. Gosh, he looks so big in this picture! I really can't believe how tall he has gotten. His 5th birthday is right around the corner.
  • The same day he started baseball he had his last basketball practice. He warmed up to that as well, but of course had his moments. And as the trend continues he does a lot better if Mommy stays away from practice.

They played their first game on his last day of practice...hilarious to watch! As you can see Shane sorta thought it was a dance/twirl class. He was in love with the yellow jersey he was wearing.

  •  My Horses were sold a couple weeks ago. Pure devastation in our household over that. I miss seeing them as we drive and walk by.
  • I have two weeks left of my 8 week Close To My Heart Challenge. I'm on my way to my goal of "winning" a little weekend retreat away. The challenge has been keeping me busy in all my extra time. I've enjoyed putting my mind to work and learning new things about the direct sales industry as well as trying to boost my little business at the same time. 
  • Adalyn just turned 16 months old. She loves sitting up at the bar playing. Sorting, mixing, stirring and dumping is the name of the game. Here she is playing with one of our "busy bags". I hope to post more about those soon.

  •  Adalyn and Arli have reached a new level of their toddlerhood friendship...sharing isn't fun. But we are working on that skill and I'm sure they'll emerge from this very normal stage well prepared for sharing with others.

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