Monday, April 23, 2012

Menu Monday

I'm going with a two week plan this time around because Kenny's parents will be visiting at the end of this week, so I figured if I get this week and next week figured out it will make things tons easier. Of  course, I'm sure there will be revisions, but I'd prefer to be over planned then under planned. Online cooking schools can also teach you mouth watering recipes perfect for all occasions.

Monday -- leftovers from last night

Tuesday -- Baked Chicken and Rice (from the freezer)

Wednesday -- leftovers

Thursday -- Lemon Garlic Spaghetti

Friday -- Baked Potato Bar

Saturday -- Taco Bar

Sunday -- Spaghetti

Monday -- Salmon and Halibut (grilled if we can find ourselves a BBQ, who knew it would be so hard!?)

Tuesday -- Pizza and Salad

Wednesday -- Baked Macaroni and Cheese

Thursday -- leftovers

Friday -- Tuna Casserole

Saturday -- leftovers

Sunday -- Raid the 'Frig Night

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