Monday, April 23, 2012

Sensory Processing Disorder Part 1

I've been putting this post off for months because I just don't feel like I can do it justice. There are so many little details and thoughts that I want to add or things that I want to say, but I just feel like they'll all come out in a jumbled mess. I've decided to make this a series to help get the information out in a nicer fashion.

Let me begin here....

After living with Shane for 4.5 years and ending most days with confusion and frustration towards his behaviors and feeling frustrated by the continued response from society that he will "out grow it", we decided to get a consultation from his Pediatrician. I spent a good chunk of time talking with her about what we were seeing and feeling about Shane. She didn't have any out right thoughts, but we came up with a plan and from there I was able to find help for him.

After working off the "plan" that his Doctor gave me, I was able to do some calling and researching and decided to have him evaluated by an Occupational Therapist. I really had no idea what the outcome was going to be, but it was a place to start and we had hopes we'd get some answers. Because we really didn't believe Shane was "just going to outgrow" what we saw behavior wise day to day.

The evaluation showed that he had Sensory Processing Disorder. Phew....we weren't crazy. There was something going on and we can help him with it! That was an awesome feeling.

What is Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)? Below is a video made by an 8 year old boy who has SPD. It's broken down so simply and perfect. Please watch and I think you'll get a great idea of what SPD is.

Stay tuned for Sensory Processing Disorder Part 2.


  1. That's a great first post on the SPD. I think it's really hard to blog about something that you're still learning about and have huge emotional connection to. I think you did great and I can't wait to read everything else you write about it.

  2. Thanks for sharing!! I have only heard small things about it so it is very interesting to learn more. I have a little nephew with it and he has come a long way in the past year with therapies.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!