Sunday, July 8, 2012

Bonnie and Clyde

We have two new temporary members of our family, Bonnie and Clyde, Russian Tortoises. We are caring for them over the summer for Shane's preschool. We have found them to be pretty darn entertaining.

Bonnie (top) (20 years old) and Clyde (bottom) (15 years old). 
Russian Tortoises live to be about 50 years old.

They have loved being outside. 
We try to take them out there every day. 
They move really fast, too. 
We've been in the middle of working on a retaining wall 
so there has been tons of dirt and hills for them to climb.

Shane has really enjoyed them. 
He doesn't do much as far as "caring" for their daily needs, 
but he loves hanging out with them. 
During his quiet time each day they'll walk around his room.

Clyde: he has been kinda aggressive outside lately with Bonnie. 
The fresh air seems to make him frisky.

Sadie finds the tortoises very interesting! When we have them outside she sits by the slider barking her brains out the whole time. We've introduced them to each other, but when those little guys are out moving around she can't contain herself. I've found her numerous time laying in Shane's room watching them. I don't think she wants to hurt them (though I hope to never find out one way or the other).

Last week Bonnie got lost in the backyard. I let Sadie out and told her to find the "turtle". She did just that. Bonnie wasn't to happy with the pawing on her shell, but I was more then happy to have found her. Sadie saved the day! I told you those little guys are fast. Plus, Kenny won't be on tortoise babysitting duty any time again soon.

It has been a blast having Bonnie and Clyde stay at our house. Great experience and memories for Shane and Adalyn. I don't see us having any tortoises live permanently in our home. So borrowing them works out great.

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