Monday, July 9, 2012

Menu Monday + New Menu Board

I finally got to put the finishing touches to our new menu board this weekend. It has been a ongoing project for a couple months. I am super happy and excited about it.

It really is a pretty simple project to make. What took the longest was typing up a list of meals and laminating them.

The top pocket holds the meals we haven't eaten lately. Then the bottom pocket we'll put meals we are tired of for now or just had.

The BEST part about it so far is that Kenny planned this week's menu. I handed him the board and he picked through the meals and pinned up what he wanted. He even took into consideration meals that we could use similar ingredients for. I was a proud and happy wife!

Meatless Monday -- Cheese Penne
Tuesday -- Creamy Beef Over Noodles (crockpot)
Wednesday -- leftovers
Thursday -- French Bread Pizza
Friday -- Steak Sandwiches
Saturday -- Crepes
Sunday -- Spaghetti with Meatballs

If you want to make this little project on your own, these are the supplies you'll need:

  • frame (mine is 12x15)
  • scrapbooking paper
  • clothes pins
  • pockets (I made mine with my Art Philosophy Cricut Cartridge)
  • letter for days of the week and title. (I used some sticker letters I had laying around)
  • a list of your meals (I laminated mine, but you probably don't have to)
    • On my list of meals I included main ingredients that are needed and where the recipe comes from (ie: beef, bread crumbs, cheese/cookbook name, pinterest, etc.
 Of course my inspiration came from pinterest. Here is the original idea that I "borrowed" from.


  1. I love your patterned paper and the colors. Way to go! Glad the idea was helpful. :)

  2. YOU make me tired !!!!! I always like it when someone tells me what they WANT instead of me trying to figure it out ...

  3. This is a great idea! Jeff would love it. Now, if I only had the mental energy to create something so clever...


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!