Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fourth of July -- 2012

We've had a fun week leading up to today. Having family in town has kept Shane happy with people to play with all day long and has given all of us a little change in the daily routine.

We were all so thankful to wake up to blue skies and sunshine this morning. It is not odd to have a rainy and cold 4th of July in the northwest. This afternoon we headed over to Kenny's Aunt and Uncles for their annual 4th of July celebration. As always it was full of food, fun, water and family. Each year is always fun, but this year I think was just a little extra fun. The kids were all at a great age to enjoy the time together and having the sun shine on us certainly helped, too.

Taking the boat out. Adalyn's first time on a boat and she did great.

We were SO proud of Shane to go out on the "float". He did awesome and had a great time. 

Shane, Meredith and Aunt Claire having fun on the boat. 

Shane couldn't wait to get on the paddle boat. 
Adalyn enjoyed that as well. We even saw a bunch of turtles! 

Shane spent a lot of time in the pool swimming. 
Even with out Kenny in there. A big step for this guy!

Adalyn spent some time in the pool, too. 
She didn't mind it, but was just as happy to get out. 

Another awesome 4th of July spent at the Parker's. 
Thanks Dave and Elisa for hosting all of us! 
Lots of great memories made

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