Sunday, July 1, 2012

Trip to the Zoo

Kenny's sister Claire and her family are in town for a visit this week. The cousins, Shane (5), Carolyn (8) and Meredith (6) are having a blast hanging out and playing together. Of course, there is cousin Adalyn (19 months), as well, but she is sorta happy at this point just doing her own thing.

Today we headed to the Woodland Park Zoo. Our family hadn't been there in a couple of years. Kenny and Claire's Aunt Barb, Uncle Tora and cousin Joey also joined us for an afternoon at the zoo. It was a gray day out, but the rain held off and we were able to see lots of animal action. We had 4 very tired children on our hands after almost 3 hours of time spent at the zoo.

The kids couldn't wait to see the Kimono Dragons.

The cousins: Meredith, Carolyn, Adalyn and Shane

The gizzly bears were quite happy and full of smiles.

This was my first time seeing the wolves at the zoo. 
They've never been out when I've been there before. 
They are one of my favorite animals and 
we got to see them very up close and personal.

Kenny and Shane feeding the birds. 
Thanks Aunt Barb for getting bird feeding sticks for the kids!

Meredith not so sure about the bird on her arm.

Adalyn thought the hippos were pretty funny.
Actually she thought most of the animals were funny and had a great time.

A gorilla checking us out.

A jaguar taking a nap. A favorite sight of Kenny's for the day.

Carolyn and Adalyn "cheesing" it up.

A very fun trip to the zoo! Thanks Claire for taking all the great pictures!

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