Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Another Kid Free Weekend

Kenny and I were blessed with another kid free weekend! We had the opportunity to use a friends cabin near Leavenworth, WA and my Mom was up for watching the kiddos. Friday afternoon we headed out and arrived at Fish Lake around 3pm. We unpacked and got right into exploring the area, relaxing, reading and even started putting a puzzle together.

Fish Lake
(We dipped our toys in it, 
but didn't partake in any swimming, 
though we could of because 
it was in the 90's the whole weekend there.)

We ate a great burger for dinner at the 59er Diner just a few miles from the cabin we were staying at. Saturday morning we got to sleep in!! Okay, sleeping in these days means we got up around 8am. That is late folks....sadly that is late in our current lives. We had made reservations the day before to go horseback riding in Wenatchee State Park which was just a few miles away from Fish Lake also. We enjoyed a 2 mile ride on Bo and Tory, then headed back to the cabin to get ready for our afternoon shopping in Leavenworth.

On the trails.

Tory and I. She was a good horse.
I really loved being back up on a horse. 
It had been years and years since I had been on one.

Kenny and handsome Bo. Bo wanted to go fast the whole time. 
Even passing the horse in front of him at one point 
because that horse was not going fast enough for Bo. 
Kenny said he "rode the brakes the whole time."

Taking a rest in Leavenworth.

Shop we did! Then we had delicious dinner at Fresh Burger Cafe. I had the BEST asian chicken salad ever. It was SO, SO good. I would love one right now. After shopping and dinner we headed back to the cabin for an evening of more relaxing and meteorite watching. We saw about 15+ meteorites while we sat on the deck for about 45minutes. Our favorite was this huge "fireball" one, and the couple we saw that left a trail behind them.

Sunday morning we got up relaxed some more, then packed up for our drive back home. We truly had a perfect weekend. A combination of hanging out, exploring, sleeping, shopping and eating. 

A big thanks to our "sponsors" who made this weekend possible. You know who you are. :)


  1. great fun for all..glad to be of assistance.

  2. Yes, I know who I am and I am so glad you had a great time. It is fun to read about your experience there. Hope you left a note in the journal too but if not, I will print this and add it to it!


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