Monday, August 13, 2012

Juanita Beach

How do my kids want to spend a summer day? At the beach!!! Well, I doubt they are any different then most kids, but I'm happy when they are happy and playing for 3 hours at the beach on a sunny summer days makes them happy, dirty and tired kiddos.

Shane told me he was NOT going to swim today....
hmmm...guess he didn't really mean that. 
Easton checking out Shane and his swimming skills. 

Corbin watching all the action on the beach.

Adalyn taking one of her many snack breaks
and "smiling" for the camera.

Shane and Easton hanging out in the water.

Corbin checking out the turtle.
You gotta get in the beach action even if 
you are only 6 months old.

Adalyn deciding if the water was okay to get into.

Shane swam back and forth with the turtle for a long time
 and Easton would swim next to him.
They were really cute to watch together.

Sand is fun to swim in, too.

Adalyn, watermelon, the turtle and "cheese".

Easton didn't want to give me any camera love. 
This is the best I could do. There was just to much fun to be had.

We finished the afternoon off with some time on the playground. 
I just had to get a picture off all the kids swinging, 
but it didn't quite turn out how I had hoped.
(Corbin, Shane, Easton and Adalyn)

Corbin checking out the swing.

When we got home I gave the kids otter pops and water.
Adalyn went outside and sat in this chair. 
I found her still sitting here 20 minutes later, 
to tired to move, eat her otter pop or drink any water. 
This was the longest I've seen this girl sit still her whole life!

Who knew summer time and playing could be so rough?!

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