Sunday, August 26, 2012

First Annual Family Fun Weekend

Some time in July I looked at my calendar trying to figure out when to schedule something and realized that every weekend until the last weekend of August was spoken for. Out of no where I decided to coin that one last available weekend our Family Fun Weekend (FFW). As the days got closer Kenny and I started to toss out ideas of what we could fill our FFW with. Should we ride the ducks, take the monorail, go to an Aqua Sox's game, hang out at a new beach, go for a hike...the options for endless. The only rule we had to follow was there was no working. We weren't suppose to do any projects (old or new) and we had to hang out and have fun as a family.

We finally decided to spend Saturday at the Evergreen State Fair. None of us had been there before and with Shane's new found love for rides we thought it sounded like a good place hang out. After taking way to long to get there (traffic and more traffic) and dropping way to much money for admission and ride tickets, we ended up having a fun time. But we didn't spend much time together as a family since Kenny and Shane went off to ride on the rides, leaving Adalyn and I to visit animals and walk around. 

Shane had a blast on the rides and seems to have no fear on any of them that he could go on. Adalyn thought she wanted to go on the carousel, but then decided, nope, she really didn't want to. Later I was able to get her to ride it with us sitting on the bench (NOT on a horse). We did that 3 times in a row. She finished the day off with riding a bear twirling ride and loved that. 

Shane and Kenny getting ready to ride "The Worm". 

The kids were beat after our 4 hours at the fair! Kenny and I finished Saturday night off by watching Hangover II.

Sunday morning of our FFW, we took the dogs to a dog park. Then after Adalyn's nap we packed a picnic and headed up to Everett to check out a park called "Forest". It has a petting zoo, huge play area, trails and a water splash area (which we didn't know about or were prepared for).

After spending the day divided 2x2 we thought we needed an activity that kept us all together. Orignially we were going to go to an Aqua Sox's baseball game, but knew that wouldn't be much fun for Adalyn. It has a petting zoo, huge play area, trails and a water splash area (which we didn't know about or were prepared for).

We saved the splash portion of the park for last. It was a hit! 

We ended our FFW with a fire in the backyard where we roasted hotdogs and made s'mores, followed by root beer floats.

I'm looking forward to continuing this full weekend of fun and play every summer!

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