Monday, September 3, 2012


Fall is in the air, school starts this week for Shane and we have cinched up the drawstrings of our spending.

What does spending have to do with September? Well, nothing really. Except that we've had a fun summer which included a few small trips here and there, a Family Fun Weekend, and lots of house improvement projects outside. Oh, and we just bought a new car. You'll meet Vice the Versa soon.

We've named September the no spending month as well as the time to sell month. We have a few things laying around the house that I'll be posting on eBay, craig's list or taking to the consignment store. No more eating out and no more house improvements! We actually hope to take this theme into October and even November if we can. Sort of a gearing up for the holidays saving binge and for the master bathroom remodel that will start January 2013.  

We've only been on this "budget" now for 2 days and it has been kinda hard already. You forget how easy it is to grab the kids a little snack if you've been running around all day, or to rent a movie on a whim Saturday night for something to do. Habits can be broken and I've started by saying no to a couple upcoming gatherings in September. That may sound easy, but I'd LOVE to go hang out and see the new Thirty-One catalog, or browse the Usborne books with friends, or even discover a new house decorating company. But if I put myself in those situations, it is hard to not buy something because it is all awesome stuff. Instead I'll stay home and kept my purse straps closed and my credit cards in my wallet.

Happy No Spending September to you. 

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