Sunday, November 25, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday, Adalyn

Adalyn celebrated her 2nd birthday last weekend. If you said the word birthday ever during the last month, she would jump up and down pointing to herself saying "uh huh, uh huh, uh huh". Until we would stop and say, yes, it is almost your birthday.

We got her a doll house for her birthday. I couldn't wait to give it to her

All her gifts from our family were accessories for it, which makes it even more fun!

We held her birthday party at a local community center. We had the whole gym area to ourselves full of big fun kid toys.

Baby Corbin checking things out.

Arli riding on one of the toys.

Hannah having a blast with the "roller coaster".

Easton driving some cars around.

Shane pushing Kenny and Adalyn around the gym. 
They were having a blast!

Taylor-Ann and Corbin going for a ride.

The birthday girl hanging out in a boat.

Hm, I don't think she has her driver license yet.

Opal heading somewhere on her rocket.

I think Taylor-Ann had more fun then some of the little kiddos.

After an hour of play time, we headed downstairs to the "birthday room" for some snacks, cupcakes, a turkey craft and present opening.

Adalyn was a little timid when we started singing her happy birthday.

She was happy to try and blow out her candles.

Yummy strawberry cupcakes.

Thank you to all our friends and family who sent gifts, called or who came to her party. You all helped to make it a special 2nd birthday for our little girl.

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