Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Shane made a list of things he was thankful for this month. I had planned on making them into a Thanksgiving countdown, but that never happened. Either way he worked hard making this list and I love hearing the things he comes up with.

Things I Am Thankful For
By Shane (age 5)

  • for having fun
  • for the new big school
  • the 5's class 
  • tv
  • letting me watch tv
  • the bathroom for me
  • all the toys in our house (Adalyn agreed with this one, too)
  • having me go to preschool
  • eating dinner
  • the playground
  • our house
  • food
  • my bedroom
  • my bunkbed
  • for our trip to the fire station
  • Mema and Papa
  • Adalyn
  • Mommy and Daddy (Adalyn also agreed with this one)
  • myself -- Shane -- I like myself

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