Thursday, June 6, 2013

An Era Has Ended

Shane had his last day of preschool today. The past two weeks he has been in "summer school". Which consisted of a slightly different day/time schedule and a whole lot of playing and having fun. He met a new friend there as well. We've heard non-stop about her since last Friday morning when they met during "Donuts for Dads" at school.

 His excitement for preschool has gone off the charts during the past two weeks. It may have taken 3 years, but he finally really fell in love with school and finally didn't have an ounce of anxiety towards going. He had taken a small stuffed animal with him to school this whole year. A month ago I said no more and he had a few tears, but prevailed in the end.

I then started giving him a "buddy" to take to school. A little person I would draw on his hand. It was a great transition for him from having the stuff animal as a support to taking nothing with him.

Yesterday on the way home he said to me "Mommy, I haven't had a buddy this whole week at summer school". Yep, he sure hadn't. He hadn't asked for one, so I didn't volunteer to give him one. Having him note this success is just as big as the success itself.

I got teary eyed picking him up from preschool today. I can't believe how far he has come in the last 3 years. I can't believe I won't ever drop him off there again. We've all struggled, but we've also all come out stronger and wiser. I look forward for when Adalyn gets to join the awesome teachers at Arrowhead Inglemoor Preschool.

Shane is ready for took him a little longer then some kiddos, but I know he will soar through the upcoming school year with flying colors.

Here is what the little guy looked like on his first day of school, all those years ago.

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