Thursday, August 8, 2013

Donner Lake {2013}

Late July, we joined Kenny's family at Donner Lake. There was lots of fun to be had in the sun and water. Here are some highlights from our trip.

Shane, Adalyn, Carolyn and Kenny hanging out on the dock. 
It certainly is beautiful there. 
The water felt great on the hot days it got into the upper 80's and 90's. 

Shane and Adalyn spent hours in the sand and the water. 

Adalyn was going a bit crazy in the water the first time she got in. 
The other cousins are watching her being silly.

Break time for Shane and Carolyn. 

We took a visit to Donner Memorial State Park
which gave us some insight to the whole Donner Party situation. 
This statue represents the 22 feet of snow that was on the ground 
when the Donner party attempted to come through the pass. 

A little hike where we discovered a lot about the local vegetation.

There was A LOT of cousin love.

Carolyn, Adalyn and Meredith

The whole family (minus me the photographer).

The boat was a hit for all. 
Shane and I had a blast on the last day messing around with it. 

One happy boy.

Uncle Chris got the kids digging this major water way. 
They had a blast working on it and watching the water run through the channels.

Grant and Shane sitting in the pool at the bottom of the channel.

Shane and Merie playing with the race track that all the kids loved.

Always nice to have a big cousin who can read you stories. 

Adalyn was in LOVE with baby Colin. She was in baby heaven. 
She would hand him his ball, or get him a blanket, 
hold him or just sit and watch him. 
She now has a baby doll at home that she calls Baby Colin.

Uncle Joe bought them ice cream from the ice cream truck. 
A first for them.
They were happy happy kids.

We took a little trip into Squaw Vally. 
That was a cool place! Wanderlust Festival was happening.
The hippie in me was lovin' it. 
The kids, Joe and Kenny played a round of mini-golf.

Then word got out about this cool jumping thing. 
Carolyn wanted to do it and surprisingly Shane wanted to do it as well. 
We were super proud of him for trying it and even liking it.

We took at trip into Truckee and went to the KidZone Museum
This place was awesome.
Shane lovin' the control tower.

Adalyn instantly fell in love with the house and baby dolls. 

You could hear from this airplane into the control tower. So much fun. 

A cozy place to hang out in a hot air balloon basket. 

The cousins: Colin, Adalyn, Grant, Shane, Merie and Carolyn

The kids did great on the trip there and back. Adalyn was a bit difficult on the airplane rides, but overall a successful trip. There wasn't a lot of sleeping on my part, but the kids settled in and slept well. Great memories to be remembered.

Our trip to Donner Lake 2011.

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