Friday, August 9, 2013

Mini Photo Session

We had a mini family photo session last weekend. I'm kinda in love with mini sessions. In under 10 minutes we are done with the whole thing. No one fights it or gets upset, plusI can afford to do them more often then one big session every couple of years.

Tushna of T-Elle Photography took these, as well as the mini Christmas session we did back in December, at Molbak's (a super awesome garden store in Woodinville). She is great with kids. She even took some fancy pictures of me in February that I gave Kenny for Valentine's Day. I had my hair and make-up done...totally made me feel like a model. A fun time and experience for me and the pictures turned out amazing.

It was a wonderful summer day! Sadly our session time didn't work out so great with the sun, and 3 out of 4 of us had some squinting issues. Over all the pictures captured our family nicely. 

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