Friday, October 25, 2013

Real Life Friday

There has been a trend out their on social media about posting pictures from your real life. Not those beautiful perfect staged shots, so I thought I'd have a go of it myself.

This is portion of my kitchen counter. Pretty much every weekend I clear it off, but by Thursday it's covered again. The upside is I am blessed with enough kitchen counter to be able to have this place of rest for all those random items that arrive into the house during the week.

Here is it cleared off and ready to go for the weekend. Monday will be here before we know and I'm sure the countertop can't wait to be covered with new items that need a home. 

And here it is 16 hours after clearing it off. The clutter is slowing starting to pile up again. 
Well, and dinner is happening there, not all bad things gather there. 

There you have it, a real life glimpse into a piece of my world. My messy corner counter top.

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