Sunday, October 27, 2013

Weekend of Fun

We had a fun filled weekend here at the Booth Household. Here is a little wrap-up of what we've been up to.

Back in January we invited a sweet little guinea pig into our family. In August we went on a vacation and asked our friends to guinea pig sit. He was so loved and enjoyed at their house, I said keep him as long as you want. I was happy to have a break from cleaning his cage and Shane's dying love for him had slowly faded. Sweet Guinea never returned to our house. This weekend we have returned the favor and are watching over the little guy while they are gone for the weekend. Trust in knowing he'll be returning back to their house come Monday. We do truly love this guy, but currently his gets more love and attention at their house then ours. For that reason I'm okay with his new home and happy to have him visit when ever needed.

Shane cuddling with Guinea as he watches his evening TV and drinks milk. 

Pull back a bit from the top picture 
and you see Guinea's friend Sadie licking her lips ready for an after dinner snack.

Saturday afternoon we celebrated cousin Arli's 3rd birthday.

The kiddos also had a great time playing with cousin's Otto and Rowan. 

We left Arli's rockin' birthday party to head straight to the annual Hagen pumpkin carvin' party, where we consumed a lot of orange food and witnessed some cool jack-o-lantern's.

 Our pumpkin carvin' corner.

This is serious pumpkin carvin' business. 

 Bobbin' for apples any one?

  Um, No Way! says, Shane.

Dahlia and Opal were having a blast! 

Our four master pieces 
Adalyn, who chose to have only one eye carved, mine
Shane's, who designed his himself and Kenny's

The pumpkin carvin' winners. This is Shane's 2nd year winning.
 He was selected this year by a sweet little 11 month old 
that decided Shane's pumpkin was "best overall" in the kid category.

We are thankful to have great friends and family to enjoy so many good times with this weekend.

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