Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Awesome Things Tuesday

Halloween has come and gone. Thursday's Trick or Treat link up party has come to an end, but it was so much fun, now you can join the Awesome Things Tuesday link up party.

This is the perfect place for you to link up any crafts, tips, recipes or other interesting things you have going on at your blog. 

My fellow hostess' are...

Awesome Things Tuesday
<div class="Awesome Things Tuesday" style="width: 250px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="http://www.mylifeoftravelsandadventures.com/" rel="nofollow"> <img src="http://i44.tinypic.com/suwpd3.jpg" alt="Awesome Things Tuesday" width="250" height="250" /> </a> </div>

Awesome Things Tuesday
<div class="Awesome Things Tuesday" style="width: 250px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="http://www.mylifeoftravelsandadventures.com/" rel="nofollow"> <img src="http://i40.tinypic.com/67k2oi.jpg" alt="Awesome Things Tuesday" width="250" height="250" /> </a> </div>

Please read and follow the rules before adding your link.
1. You may link up as many projects as you would like. They need to be YOUR creations and projects.
2. Link directly to your post and NOT to your main blog.
3. Please no giveaways, promotions, items for sale, roundups, or posts that do not belong to you.
4. Please make sure to click and check out the other projects linked up!

 *By submitting your link you are authorizing me to post your projects and pictures as a feature and on various social media websites along with links to your post. I have the right to delete links that do not adhere to the rules.

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