Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Third Birthday Party {Indoor Obstacle Course}

We celebrated Adalyn's 3rd birthday over the weekend. It was a small casual affair. Having a birthday in the Pacific Northwest during the fall months means it has to be an indoor event. I think having a birthday party is an important thing to do, but that doesn't mean we have tons of money in the budget  to spend on expensive venues or hefty gift bags.

So I went crafty...or to be more specific I went start to Pinterest. I had a friend host an indoor obstacle course play date recently. We weren't able to attend, but that was where my idea sparked from. Then Pinterest filled my head with more ideas. It was just what I was looking for. Something that the older 6 year old siblings could do, as well as the birthday girl and her 3 year old set of friends.

The night before the party, Kenny and I headed downstairs to get it all set up. I was surprised by how fast it all came together. I was also delighted by how much fun the kids had doing it. They spend between 30-45 minutes running through the obstacle course. Towards the end, the big kids started to revamp it, but hey, if they are happy, I'm happy.

All she wanted to do for her birthday is eat cake. She said she had to have a cake with white frosting and blue trim. So that was what Mommy made her. 

The food spread was all of things that Adalyn loved. It actually was a lot of fun to do the food that way. Maybe a bit random, but a still a hit.

 The obstacle course started with them each sitting in the little rocking chair.

Then climbing over the mini couch.

Arli having a blast.

Dahlia helping out little sister Opal. 

Next it was onto the trampoline, where you had to try and make a basket. 

Then it was off through the tunnel.

 A big hit was the "car wash".

Which lead into the streamer maze. 

Followed by a round of golf. 
The course ended with another crawl through a tunnel and back into the rocking chair. 

 Arli watching all the happenings.

The crazy party goers -- Dahlia, Opal, Noah, Adalyn, Shane and Arli (minus Mazzy).

Eating a snack. 

Finally she got to eat her cake! 

Time for present opening. 

A big thank you to everyone for making Adalyn's 3rd birthday special. 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like it was a ton of fun!!! Happy Birthday Addy!!!


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