Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Awesome Things Tuesday

It's Tuesday again and what does that mean? Time to link up your awesome crafts, tips and recipes here at our Awesome Things Tuesday link up party.

These cool projects and recipes are the features from last week. I can't wait to make some Apple Nachos! Plus, a shout out to my friend Jayma over at Playing with Paper. Swing by her blog and see what other great projects she has going on.

1. Krystal's pick - Nursery Decor by Playing with Paper
2. Victoria's pick - Nail String Art by Delineate Your Dwelling
3. Randi's pick - Sock Snow People by Tiny Bitz of Me
4. Jessica's pick - Apple Nachos by Life as Mrs. Larson
5. Ashley's pick - So Thankful Book Banner by Delineate Your Dwelling

When you link up or if you were featured this week make sure to grab a button. 

Awesome Things Tuesday
<div class="Awesome Things Tuesday" style="width: 250px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="http://www.mylifeoftravelsandadventures.com/" rel="nofollow"> <img src="http://i44.tinypic.com/suwpd3.jpg" alt="Awesome Things Tuesday" width="250" height="250" /> </a> </div>

Awesome Things Tuesday
<div class="Awesome Things Tuesday" style="width: 250px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="http://www.mylifeoftravelsandadventures.com/" rel="nofollow"> <img src="http://i40.tinypic.com/67k2oi.jpg" alt="Awesome Things Tuesday" width="250" height="250" /> </a> </div>

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