Thursday, January 9, 2014

Family Reflections

I saw this little questionnaire of sorts floating around the internet world and thought it would be fun to ask the family their thoughts.

This year: 
A place I'd like to visit: 
Shane: the jump place
Adalyn: a park
Kenny: Wallace Falls
Jessica: San Diego

A new food I'd like to try:
Shane: this food (we were eating dinner when I asked this question)
Adalyn: olives (one of her favorite foods already)
Jessica: sushi

A habit I'd like to break:
Shane: hitting and getting in time out
Adalyn: hitting and time out (copied from her big brother)
Kenny: picking my fingers
Jessica: saying whatever

A new skill I'd like to learn:
Shane: reading
Adalyn: reading
Kenny: chess
Jessica: feeling less annoyed and frustrated at others

A good deed I'm going to do:
Shane: make a card for Noah and Mazzy
Adalyn: make a card for Noah and Mazzy (monkey see...monkey do happens a lot at our house)
Kenny: helping Mommy
Jessica: 39 of them in support of a friend that is turning 40 this year. Deeds are still to be determined.

I'm going to do better at:
Shane: at school, math and reading quietly
Adalyn: toddler group
Kenny: eating
Jessica: sitting still

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