Friday, January 10, 2014

My 2014 Plan

Resolutions aren't my thing. We all know that they don't last longer then a couple weeks and come the middle of the year who can even remember what their resolutions were.

But I am a planner. I think ahead a lot, probably too much. When I read Paula's "Thinking Ahead to 2014" post over at Mudpie Mamas, it struck a cord with me. Her 10 things that she wants to work on in the coming year shaking my head and thinking "yay, me, too!".

Here are my 10 things I want to focus on in the coming year.

1. Be Still
I am a doer, a mover and a to do list maker. I don't sit still well unless I'm working or doing something. I want to find time each day to just sit. To sit and listen or talk with my kiddos. To sit and watch them play. To sit and enjoy what I have and where I've been. I want to sit and be comfortable in knowing it is okay to sit and not do anything for awhile.

2. Give thoroughly and know there’s a limit.
Paula couldn't have said it any better. I felt like I was writing these words.
"I love to give. I love to give gifts, myself, my time, but I also need to remind myself there is a limit. I look at life like a pie…there are only so many pieces in my pie. I’m going to give and give and give and when the pie pieces are gone, I’m going to let someone else give."

3. Feel less frustrated
I'm an emotional person. I feel things deeply. I also find chaos annoying and hard to be around. I live with chaos right now and I'm constantly annoyed and frustrated by it (them). I want to feel less frustrated and work on letting things go.

4. Laugh more and feel happy
Those to do lists and that chaos that I live with don't make for laughing all that much. I'm not sure how but I need to find more humor in the little things and enjoy what I have.

5. Live hands free
There is this blog post called, The Important Thing About Yelling, that has been floating around for awhile now on the world wide web and I've read it a handful of times. I bawl every time I read it. I take many lessons and reminders away from it. This year I want to step away from the computer/phone and be more present.

6. Finances
We live a pretty balanced financial life. This year though we've decided to work a bit more on the spending area. We are implementing an envelope system with an allotted amount of money each month. That means all four of use only have so much money each month that can be spent on clothes, food, Starbucks, toys, etc. We want to be more present with our spending and this should accomplish that for sure.

7. Live Passionately
I want to live like there is no tomorrow. Easier send then done. But I want to put out into the world what I want to get back. That means I want to love, listen, learn, give, be patience, honest, be trustworthy and kind.

8. Exercise
I truly don't mind exercising, I just can't figure out when to do it. As we get into the year Adalyn will start preschool I hope to find more time to allow for exercise in my life.

9. Share the love of eating
I like food. I love fruits and vegetables. I love trying new foods and dining out. The other 3 members of my family don't feel quite the same way about food as I do. I want to share my enjoyment of food with them. I want to help teach them food is fun and so yummy. I want my family to feel comfortable around food and know how to make good food. This year I'm taking my family on a eating adventure.

10. Spend time outdoors (all year around)
I love nature and being outside. Riding a bike or going for a walk are the best the summer. I'm not fan of being outside if it's below 65 degrees. Which it is most of the time here in the Pacific Northwest. I need to contend with this cold monster and embrace the chill. I need to bundle up and step outside for some fresh air, even in the midst of winter and spring.

Those are my 10 focus' for 2014. What are yours?

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