Thursday, February 13, 2014

Crafting {Metal Stamping}

Years ago when Adalyn was just a little tiny baby, I tried out metal stamping at the monthly Craft Club I use to go to. This one was hosted by my friend Julie. I remember the night vividly, my Mom was with me and I was in a rush to get Adalyn home to bed. I made a necklace with the word balance on it. It turned out fine, but I wasn't in love with it. I wanted to love it.

Take 2 -- a friend of mine hosted a metal stamping craft event this past weekend. I jumped on the chance to get this craft another try. I am so so happy I did, because this time around I love love what I made.

Paige of Purely Paige Handmade came and showed us the ropes and gave us a few tips. Those couple little tips and her wonderful array of metal stamps did just the trick.

I completed this fabulous bookmark that says "only love today" on it. I hammered the edges with a round tip hammer to give it a distressed look and then sanded it with a very fine grained sandpaper to give it a wore look. Not often do I finish a craft project and walk away happy with the results. I'm picky with my craft projects. This one I walked away happier then happy with the end results.

I also made this fun book mark. My kids say the word "pause" all the time. While we are  reading a book or if they are watching tv or even in the middle of playing someone will say "beep...pause" and run to the bathroom. When they return it goes "beep...unpause".  Makes me chuckle every time. It just seems perfect to put the word "pause" on a bookmark.

I kept it super simple...just the way I like my crafts. Clean and simple. It makes me want to pick up a book and read just so I can use my "pause" bookmark. 

Thanks, Paige, Randi and ECM friends for a fun night. I could have done with out the snow that I drove home in, but I made it home safely with great finished projects in hand.

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