Sunday, July 6, 2014

4th of July {2014}

We  spent our 4th of July afternoon at Kenny's Aunt and Uncles. This is an annual event and the kiddos look forward to the water fun, food and cousins. Adalyn actually said that she was going to eat first and then go swimming.

This kiddo just started taking swimming lessons. 
She feeling a bit more comfortable in the water. 
She hung onto the side most of the time 
and really liked having her life vest + floaty always with her.

This kiddo is also getting more and more comfortable with the water 
and spent half his time in the pool with out his life jacket.

Adalyn and Shane + photo bomb by Brody the 1.5 year old puppy.

4th of July wouldn't be the 4th of July with out a trip out on the boat.
Adalyn, Anna, Brooke and Shane

Kenny chillin'

We woke up to blue skies and thought for sure we'd have a beautiful weather for the 4th, 
which is always hit or miss in the PNW. 
Sadly, as the day progressed the clouds came in and we even got some rain. 
That didn't keep the kids out of the water though. 

Little Adalyn and Big Kid Anna

Brooke warming up after her trip out in the tube.

This brave kid decided this year he'd get on the inner tube. 

 He was having fun!

 Mt. Rainer hanging out behind us. 

 Dinner Time: Eloise, Brooke, Owen, Anna, Shane and Adalyn 

Fun times with family!

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