Monday, July 7, 2014

Jetty Island

For years I've wanted to go to Jetty Island up north in Everett. It takes a little planning and a non-napper. This year we made it happen.

You take literally a 3 minute "ferry" ride from the marina to the island. 
That dock/little marina behind the boat is where we were headed.

Riding over. Smiles 'cause we got on the very first ferry on opening day! 

Tide was out...time to explore.

My favorite new beach item...our shade tent. So easy to put up and take down. 
Makes days at the beach awesome and I can't wait to take it camping. 
Some day I just know I'll need it for a rainy day while watching sports. 

Bubble catching is their new favorite beach activity.

We took a short walk around a bit of the island. 
There is a total of 4 miles of walking trails. 
A very cool place to explore.

You can see the tip of the island behind them.
Where we were at there were tons of people, 
but just a little walk down there was no one in sight.

She sat on this bucket and sang songs for the longest time.

Shane called this paradise (except for where all the people were at).

A fun adventure. Sadly, the blue skies that started the day out with us, turned cloudy half the way through. We hope to come back again and explore and play more next summer.

1 comment:

  1. love that shade tent! so much that I bought 2 :) (two kids = two soccer games at the same time some days)


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