Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Fireplace Remodel

One thing I really really wanted in a house when we were looking to buy 5 years ago, was a mantel. Well, we got a fireplace (actually two), but the mantel area was lacking.

Technically, there was some small bumpy brick area to use for decor, but it wasn't really very functional or what I had in mind when I dreamed of a home with a mantel. On top of that fact, the whole brick area above the fireplace was just plain odd.

After many years of dreaming, wondering and conceptualizing what we could do with the space above the fireplace, a plan was conceived. We got to work

We knew that we wanted a rustic mantel piece. We did a lot of searching and finally discovered the perfect piece at an antique like store in Mount Vernon. It was a part of a 70+ year old telephone pole.

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