Monday, April 13, 2015

Spring Time Adventures {Evans Creek Preserve}

It's still a bit drizzly and chilly outside here in the Pacific Northwest. But we've had a taste of blue skies sunshine here and there. And it is making me super antsy to get outside and explore.

This fun list of family friendly hikes was making its round on Facebook last week giving me some inspiration to bundle up a bit and head out. The weather did cooperate for us and we saw glimpses of  sunshine and not a rain drop fell on us. (I'm a fair weather gal for sure!!)

This was our first time to Evans Creek Preserve in Redmond and we all gave it a two thumbs up. Lots of beautiful scenery and tons of fun bridges/boardwalks to walk on.

Shane loved all the stumps and trees to climb on.

Adalyn is doing a lot better with her walking/hiking skills. Though those little legs need some breaks and piggy-back rides now and then. She is powered through most of the walking on her own on this adventure. 

"Take my picture, Mommy!

We've been to 7 out of 10 of the places on the list. We've got our eyes on #6, #8 and #9 as the months get warmer and warmer!

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