Thursday, September 17, 2015

Baseball Season

Shane completed his 4th year of baseball this past spring. It was his 1st year of "kid pitch". Baseball this year was another place we saw HUGE improvements in his anxiety. Kenny was an assistant coach this year, so he was still around the whole time, but Shane just jumped into each practice or game with no qualms. He struggled with some emotional issues when it came to striking-out, getting out or not pitching well. Those things seemed to fade over the summer as he played on a casual summer ball team.

He took to pitching quickly and really enjoyed playing that position. Most of the year he had a hitting slump during games, but that kid can hit like no other off the game field during practices or in the front yard.

He definetly has baseball in his blood. You'll find him throwing a ball or playing pretend baseball some where in the house on pretty much any given day. Or hitting balls onto the roof in the front yard. In the evenings when he gets a bit of TV time, he picks to watch the Dodgers or Mariners play instead of "kid TV'.

His team finished 2nd in the league. They won several exciting playoff games and then went on to play the other local little league team for 2nd place in the city. That was a super exciting game. Sadly they lost, but not with out a nail biting finish.  I think it is safe to say we have a lot more baseball in our future.

 Attentive at first base.

 Talking to the coach.




Adalyn enjoyed baseball season fully as well. She had many little friends to run around with during games. I generally had to drag her away to take her home to bed. Though at this point she has no interest in playing. She said she'll let us know if she changes her mind.

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