Friday, September 18, 2015


Summer has come to an end. Another baseball season has been put behind us. School has started. There is rain falling more often then I'd like. What does all of this add up to? Another soccer season for Shane!

This is Shane's 2nd year playing soccer through Lake Washington Youth Soccer Association. He plays on a U9 team coached by Kenny! Yep. After many attempts to find a coach for his team, Kenny decided to step up and coach a sport he never played. I assist by sending emails, buying soccer jerseys and making snack schedules. Anything to keep me off the field with 8 goofy boys.

They played their first game last week in beautiful sunshine. They held their own, though in the end did lose. Shane really enjoys playing and is always right in the middle of things on the field.

A HUGE thanks goes out to Kenny for taking on the Juanita Cheetahs team this year. 

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