Monday, June 13, 2016

Gymnastics {2nd year}

Adalyn has completed her 2nd year of gymnastics classes at The Gymnastics Connection. It's a non-competitive gym which I really like. She truly LOVES gymnastics and has already asked me numerous times if she can take classes again in September. Her one summer camp she got to pick was a gymnastics one. She can't get enough of it!

They work on five different areas throughout the year. During the year end show they rotate through each station to show off their hard learned skills. Here are some highlights from the show:



Her Coach Mags in the background clapping.  

Floor...they did a routine to a Micheal Jackson song. 

 My FAVORITE part of the routine, when they posed "bad". 

Cartwheel skills. She's come a long way on these! 



We hope that next year she gives a couple team sports a try, but we'll let her roll on this gymnastics love as long as she wants.

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