Monday, June 13, 2016

Happy 9th Birthday, Shane!

This kid turned 9 last week! His birthday this year landed on the last Friday of the school year. It was a day full of friends, field day, and fun!


His birthday breakfast wish was waffles with strawberries and whip cream. When asked if he wanted to go out for his birthday dinner, he said, 'No, I'd like tacos at home'.

He opened his gifts before school. Sister got him Pokemon cards and a Pokemon book - his new obsession. We'll see how long the Pokemon phase lasts in our house.

Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Bob got him this Mariners jersey and matching shorts. He was SOOO excited about it. He even changed his planned birthday outfit instantly and worn the jersey to school instead. He has very particular clothing thoughts.

He followed his Mariner's jersey gift with tickets to a Mariner's vs. Astro's baseball game in July from Grandma and Grandpa Booth. Needless to say, he was one happy 9 year old baseball and Pokemon loving kiddo. He also received lots of other generous and loved gifts from family and friends.

After school Shane had a friend from school (and they played on the same baseball team this year) come over for a sleepover. They were so awesome together. I pretty much wanted to sign Maddox up for a sleepover every night.

We are so proud of whom Shane is growing up and becoming. He is a passion filled kiddo, which can lead to challenges and has been challenging over his 9 years of life. As he gets older and he channels his passion into school, friends, baseball, and hobbies, we all live in harmony a lot more often then not. We look forward to enjoying him in his last year in single digits as he heads off to 3rd grade in September.

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