Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Seattle Magazine {November 2017}

September of 2017, I was asked to be interviewed for an upcoming article on vaccinations in a local area magazine. I had participated in a program called Immunity Community back in 2013. In April of last years, results from that study had been released and the magazine was featuring an article about the program.

I spoke with the reporter over the phone one afternoon. Nothing to exciting. She said she'd send me the copy of the article to proof any of the information I provided. Time went by and I never heard anything. Then I got a call to have a photo-shoot for the article. I was surprised, but said sure, come on over. A lovely photographer came over another afternoon and shot pictures for about 30 minutes. That was that. Time continued to pass and I didn't think much about the whole thing.

Then one day a friend sent me a message on Facebook with a picture of the article. I was flabbergasted! I had no idea the article had "hit newsstands"! I had no idea what the article said! I had no idea my face would be smack dab right there at the top of the article and SO dang big! I had totally assumed I'd have a little 1x1 square picture at the bottle of the article. Nope! That's what one gets for assuming!

That evening on the way home from a meeting, I stopped by our local grocery store wondering if I'd find the magazine there. Sure enough, in all it's glory. I purchased a couple and headed home. Terrified to see what I might have said and what might have been written! Luckily, I'm just a tiny little piece of the overall thing and not overly embarrassed by the quotes I provided in it. Phew! That picture may haunt me for awhile though.

If you'd like to check out the article you can now find it online:


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