Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Winthrop, WA {4th of July 2016}

(This blog post was dug up from the archives....this trip was taken in 2016) 

We took a little road trip over 4th of July weekend. Kenny has been dying to do the North Cascades Hwy drive. He's been talking about it for over 6 years. We originally had thought about camping for this adventure, but it turns out that we don't really do no reservation camp sites very well. We stayed in a hotel instead. A much MUCH better choice. Plus, when we drove back home it was so rainy and cold where the campgrounds were. We were very happy that we didn't go that route!

It took us about 6 hours to get to Winthrop, WA. If you went straight there from our house it would take about 3.5 hours. We took a lot of time stopping and visiting sites along the way. Our kids don't really travel great especially in cars. Adalyn has motion sickness which usually results in her head hurting. BUT they did quite well on this trip! Maybe we can expand our 2 hour camping/road trip radius finally!!

Our first stop was at the North Cascades Visitor Center where we enjoyed looking around and had lunch.

Our next two stops included terrifying suspension bridges over rushing water. So not my thing. I tried to walk across, but just couldn't do it. I sent the family along with out me. This first bridge Adalyn decided to stay and keep me company.

This second bridge, she joined Kenny and Shane. 
On the other side they found some beautiful water falls and gardens.

Our next stop was Gorge Lake. It's not really a lake in my book. 
Technically I think it's a reservoir, but call it a lake if you must.

This is Diablo Lake. The views were so stinkin' amazing. 
The mountain peeks with snow and the gorgeous teal colored water. 
Plus, the sunshine and warm weather felt amazing.

This is at Washington Pass. The highest point along the drive. (NOTE: when you offer to take a picture of a family, please ask that your family moves out of the picture!!!) This place was INCREDIBLE. The fenced edge you see behind us is a straight drop down. Shear craziness. When you get back on the hwy, you drive by this ledge and it's mind blowing how far up you were when you were standing up there.

What!? A heart shaped rock. How cool! 

There was even snow on the ground here. 
My kids seriously haven't touched snow in years. 
Adalyn's foot fell through and got wet. Hence the face.

We stayed in the cutest hotel that felt like a really big cabin called River Run Inn & Cabins. The room was huge with a view of Methow river. There was an indoor swimming pool, a swing set, lawn games and hammocks every where. It was really quite beautiful. I wanted to raft the river badly, but Adalyn was just to little for that adventure. It's on our bucket list though! 

Shane was all about the snorkel and mask!

Adalyn was NOT all about swimming any where that it was "deep".
Kenny reassuring her it's all good.
Adalyn not buying it.

I could spend all day right here in this hammock resting and reading.

Downtown Winthrop was one of my favorite little towns ever! So cute and fun. Great stores and yummy food.  Old Schoolhouse Brewery was one of our favorite restaurants with a beautiful deck right on the river. The Methow Valley Ciderhouse was a favorite, too. They had the best bratwurst (and we aren't bratwurst fans!) and great cider. 

Sheri's Sweet Shoppe...OMG...so much yummy stuff there. 

There was an outdoor museum of town history which was fun to browse.

We spent one day hanging out at Pearrygin Lake State Park.
A day of sun, sand and water is good for the soul. 

On the way home we stopped off at check out this cool train.
The kids loved climbing all over it and ringing the bell.

Our Winthrop adventures were a blast. We spent longer in the car with the kids then we ever had before (and we survived!). I'd go back there is a second and I'm not one to revisit places because there are so many things in the world to see. But Winthrop is a place I hope to visit again!

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