Monday, December 19, 2022

Books of 2022

My book list of 2022. I didn't do a great job keeping track of the books I read this year. Life was just a lot more then ever. In all of it, I kept on reading. Though keeping track of what I read didn't make it on the top of the memory banks. Here is what I can find through my library book borrowing list (but they only keep 100 on there, so that got only got me through the last 5 months of 2022. Plus, the "readers choice" books don't actually have information on them. I appear to read a lot of those). Along with the few books that I took pictures of to remind myself of what I read. 

I've listed them this year from last read of the year to the beginning. You'll see Christmas book season to start. I hit that one early and hard. I think I cracked my 1st Christmas book before Thanksgiving! 

The total books that I can remember I read is coming in at 30 for 2022. I would wager that this year was certainly one of my less read years in comparison. Back to life was just a lot more then ever.

I completed my 2nd year in a row reading the Bible through. This year I used this devotional/reading plan. 

A perfect Christmas book to end the season on. 


A fun Christmas romance. The characters had a fun banter back and forth. The setting was unique, taking place in a European village with a King. 

A Christmas book full of Santa. 

Classic Christmas book. Just a good Christmas read. Just what Hallmark movies are made of. 

Another fabulous Christmas read. Where you just want it all to work out. 

This one was ok, but one of the characters was an author. Each chapter opened with parts from the books she was writing and I totally didn't enjoy that part. I just skipped over that section each chapter. I'd take a week on "the Ranch" though for sure! 

Loved this historical fiction book. So many trials and tribulations. Really puts our life into preservative. 


An another intensive picture of a girls life in India. Things that one wants to believe aren't even possible, but sadly they are. Fiction, though I'm certain there is plenty of truth in all of it. Eye opening for sure. 


A very interesting take on Alzheimer's disease, where the two main characters have it at an early onset in their late 30s. This one really makes you think about what might be best for people with dementia could be very different then what one might think. Certainly some curve balls through into the plot here.  


I struggled for half of 2022 with a Crohns flare I was lead to read this book on the SCD diet. It was written many decades ago. I followed the SCD diet for 2 months without a lot of results. It's a HARD protocol to follow and it's not been updated to our current times of food products making it even harder. 

What a time to read a book such as this. The story set in a period where abortion is illegal. Stories of 5 women are followed. Lots to let one chew on and think about. 

Decent suspense thriller. A bit long winded. 

A really good suspense thriller! 

The sweetest book. Just a good nice read. I realized I really enjoyed two of this authors books this year. 


I remember this book, but I barely remember this book. It was a long drawn out romance. Kind of annoying, but I wanted to know how it ended, so I finished it. 

Creepy suspense thriller! What a crazy plot!

A book about ALS. A good read, though sad. 

Sisterly love. Or too much? 


Another one by Lisa Genova. She tugs on your heartstrings for sure!

Just a silly fun read ESPECIALLY if you've even been a Room Mom before or have ever been involved in your PTSA. 

Decent suspense thriller. 

Solid good book. 

A great book. Really makes you think about love and trauma.

A true crime story. An unsolved mystery about mostly likely a person who has murder the most people ever in history. A bit long at points, but overall an interesting read.

For the 1st half of 2022 I was in a book club. This was one of the picks. It's very Jodi Picoult. A good book club book. 

This was an amazing book on praying. It really broke down how to effectively prayer. 

This was a hard book for me to get through. I took it chapter by chapter and had days to weeks between each one. The message is an important one. 

Hal Perkins as a parent is a pretty amazing role model. 

Danny Silk also has a lot of knowledge and wisdom to give. 

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