Sunday, December 31, 2023

Books of 2023

I did a great job keeping tracks of my 2023 books through April and then didn't. This year also felt really haphazard on the books I read. Just what ever fell into my lap basically. I miss not having a book club. I'm ringing up around 40 books for 2023. I'm certain I've missed a handful with my poor tracking for half of the year.


 I completed my 3rd year reading through the Bible. This year I used The Bible Recap which goes through the Bible chronologically. You read assigned daily Bible section and then listen to a "recap" of that section. It's super informative and really helps you to understand the passages. I highly recommend it.


An author and her daughter go to a cabin in Winthrop, WA for the summer (I adore Winthrop in real life, so it was fun to have it as the setting). A murder mystery unfolds in the small town. Easy read. Surprise ending. Slightly suspenseful. 

This was an assigned book for Shane last school year as a freshman. I read it while he was reading it. Incredible read of a Holocaust survivor. No matter how many books I read on the Holocaust, never can I wrap my head around the horror of all of it.

An older book and a very random read. It was suggested to me because of it's content on managing people and leadership. Overall an interesting take on running a business. 

A mystery that was long and drawn out. Weak side story lines. Interesting enough to read to finish it but not to suggest it. 

A true story of a women's experience as a child in the foster care system. Where she was able to find family and faith. 

This would make a great book club book. So much to ponder. Lots of parallels that could be debated. It was a bit slow, but super thought provoking. 

Butterflies Set Free Translated by Katie Gallagher (no image)

True stories of human trafficking. Mind numbing sad. One of the best books I've read on this topic that fully shows how people end up in these situations and how with rescuing they can recover. 

The life story of a book store owner. Full of life lessons, romance, friendship and sadness. A recommended read. 

A Christian fiction book with the main topic of grief. 

True story of a death, time in heaven and return from death. 

A not practicing Jewish man lives the Bible as literal as possible for a year. Such an interesting and thought provoking read. My reading of it was perfectly timed after I had read Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy in the Bible. He drove me crazy and I wanted to shout at him so many times. His literal comparison was a bit much for me, but he did a lot of research. He never ended up excepting God, yet interestingly he truly became a better person through the experience. 

 A sweet romantic mystery involving friendship and family history. 

An older book with incredible thoughts and ideas on food. I didn't fully agree with some of her thoughts overall. Replicating this would be extremely difficult (honestly just about impossible). It was inspiring for sure. 

A great frame work for engaging children into a Christian world view. Not rocket science but laid out well in a great reminder. A quick and short read.

A short story that took about 1 hour to read. It was so good though I didn't want it to end. 

This is potentially part of a series, but I didn't realize that. I think I found it sitting in the airport with a note saying up for grabs. 

I saw this author speak at a conference. Her life tail is fascinating, multiple personalities and trauma. I had high hopes for this book, but it was a bit hard to read in how it was written.

World War II setting. A family takes in an orphan Jewish baby as their own. Recommended read. 

 Good overall classic bestseller. Enjoyed the characters and the plot. 

This book really imprinted imagery in my head. I often feel like I watched this as a movie instead of reading it. 

 A quick and easy read. Good principals and reminders. 

I won this book from a blogger friend. It was a sweet easy read that really brought a peace to my heart. Tales of a Mom who hasn't had an easy path parenting and I could relate and it felt good. 

This book was so powerful. It really helped me to understand Shane's brain and how we can support him. I highly encourage anyone to read this (or some of his other versions) if you have someone in your life with an ADHD brain. 

Oh how I wish this book was written 16 years ago! Hands down the best parenting book ever. This could easily be the only parenting book basically worth reading (and I've read a TON of them!). I highly recommend it. 

I love the concept of this book. I can't say I have a full life council though. 

A sweet fun read about a church community and it's pastor. 

What a fantasy tale! I've never read anything like this. Great read. It appears to be book 1 of a series, though I haven't read any others. 

I can't remember anything about this book. 


The tales of a family with 3 children traveling the world. A fascinating read. I can't imagine doing it myself especially with my 2 kids. I love the idea though. 

Fascinating book! In my top 5 of this year. Highly recommend it.

Absolutely the most comprehensive book on heaven. Biblically based and thoroughly researched. It's lengthily and a little redundant. Each chapter takes on a different question and there are something like 45 chapters. I read a chapter a night. Highly recommended.

A good thriller. 


Come November, I turn to cheesy Christmas books. My first Christmas book of 2023. I grabbed it at Costco. Don't read this book.  

 This is a perfect Christmas book. 

 Another perfect Christmas book. 

Mediocre Christmas book.

 It takes place somewhere near the Olympic Peninsula in a made up town which was interesting. Weird ending though.

Perfect Christmas book. 

Another Christmas book win (and I am pretty picky about them). 

Solid Christmas book. 

The final Christmas book (and book of 2023). It wasn't really very Christmasy, but a sweet story to end the year.

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