Thursday, October 31, 2013

Wishing you a Happy Halloween....

....from our tiger and butterfly. 

The tiger is roaring in this picture.
The tiger is also wearing a costume that is a size to small for him.
He HAD to be an animal "that zipped up like zip up pajamas". 
He doesn't mind, so I certainly don't mind.

Thursday Trick or Treat {Linky Party #5}

Happy Halloween! This is our final week of the Trick or Treat link up party. Share with us those final Halloween projects you did this week.

Victoria Schilke - My Little Birds / Facebook / Pinterest
Jessica Booth - Preserving Life's Moments / Pinterest

Check out last week's features:

1.  Victoria's Pick:  Vampire Kiss Cupcakes
by This Silly Girl's Life
2.  Krystal's Pick:  Paper Plate Owl
by Huppie Mama
3.  Randi's Pick:  Halloween Garland
by Hill House Homestead
4.  Ashley's Pick:  Chalkboard Art
by Clover House
5.  Jessica's Pick:  Wooden Cats and Pumpkins
by Clover House

 If you were featured, feel free to grab the button and show it off!

<a href="" rel="nofollow" title="sowderingabout"> <img src="" width="200" height="200" alt="Trick or Treat Thursday" style="border:none;" /></a>

Party Button:

<a href="" rel="nofollow" title="sowderingabout"> <img src="" width="200" height="200" alt="Trick or Treat Thursday" style="border:none;" /></a>

Please read and follow the rules before adding your link.
1. You may link up as many projects as you would like.  They need to be YOUR creations and projects.
2. Link directly to your post and NOT to your main blog.
3. Please no giveaways, promotions, items for sale, roundups, or posts that do not belong to you.
4. Please make sure to click and check out the other projects linked up!

*By submitting your link you are authorizing me to post your projects and pictures as a feature and on various social media websites along with links to your post. I have the right to delete links that do not adhere to the rules.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween Spider Crafts

I've got a couple easy, fun and cute Halloween crafts to share with you.

This first one we made at the pumpkin carving party we were at this past weekend. All the props and prep go to Alyssa for this one.

 This cup spider is hanging from our kitchen ceiling. He was quick to me and is a great decoration to put up in your house.

*black cup
*4 black pipe cleaners
*hole punch
*goggly eyes

How to Make Them:
1. Punch 4 holes on each side of the cup and one on the top of the cup
2. Attach eyes to cup
3. Put pipe cleaners through holes (we did ours in random order...not just straight across)
5. Take the twine and tie it around the middle of the pipe cleaners and then string it up through the top.
6. Finish him off by messy up his legs to make him all spidery. Love them!!

The 2nd spider craft, I'll be making with Shane's kindergarten class tomorrow for their harvest (aka Halloween) party.

*Small paper plates (gray, silver or black)
*White yarn
*Hole punch
*Spider stickers or cut outs

How to Make Them:
1. Punch 5-6 holes around the edges of the plate.
2. Cut a piece of yarn (about 24 inches give or take).
3. Tape one end of the yarn at the bottom of the plate, then string it through the holes.
4. Place spider in the web (I have just enough stickers for the whole class so my example is missing the spider).

This is great way to work on fine motor skills with kids and not messy at all.

Happy Halloween crafting!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Menu Monday

The sun is shining and I'm feeling grateful for this Monday. I also have Christmas on my brain bad. I know...Halloween hasn't even happened yet, but I can't wait to get Christmas music out and start to celebrate Christmas.

Monday -- I'm going to turn our leftover beef and ground turkey into something like a Rice and Beef Soup.

Tuesday --Sausage and potatoes

Wednesday -- White Chicken Enchiladas (we didn't have this last week)

Thursday -- leftovers

Friday -- Three Cheese Baked Pasta

Saturday -- leftovers

Sunday -- Baked Pancakes (we also didn't have this last week)

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Weekend of Fun

We had a fun filled weekend here at the Booth Household. Here is a little wrap-up of what we've been up to.

Back in January we invited a sweet little guinea pig into our family. In August we went on a vacation and asked our friends to guinea pig sit. He was so loved and enjoyed at their house, I said keep him as long as you want. I was happy to have a break from cleaning his cage and Shane's dying love for him had slowly faded. Sweet Guinea never returned to our house. This weekend we have returned the favor and are watching over the little guy while they are gone for the weekend. Trust in knowing he'll be returning back to their house come Monday. We do truly love this guy, but currently his gets more love and attention at their house then ours. For that reason I'm okay with his new home and happy to have him visit when ever needed.

Shane cuddling with Guinea as he watches his evening TV and drinks milk. 

Pull back a bit from the top picture 
and you see Guinea's friend Sadie licking her lips ready for an after dinner snack.

Saturday afternoon we celebrated cousin Arli's 3rd birthday.

The kiddos also had a great time playing with cousin's Otto and Rowan. 

We left Arli's rockin' birthday party to head straight to the annual Hagen pumpkin carvin' party, where we consumed a lot of orange food and witnessed some cool jack-o-lantern's.

 Our pumpkin carvin' corner.

This is serious pumpkin carvin' business. 

 Bobbin' for apples any one?

  Um, No Way! says, Shane.

Dahlia and Opal were having a blast! 

Our four master pieces 
Adalyn, who chose to have only one eye carved, mine
Shane's, who designed his himself and Kenny's

The pumpkin carvin' winners. This is Shane's 2nd year winning.
 He was selected this year by a sweet little 11 month old 
that decided Shane's pumpkin was "best overall" in the kid category.

We are thankful to have great friends and family to enjoy so many good times with this weekend.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Real Life Friday

There has been a trend out their on social media about posting pictures from your real life. Not those beautiful perfect staged shots, so I thought I'd have a go of it myself.

This is portion of my kitchen counter. Pretty much every weekend I clear it off, but by Thursday it's covered again. The upside is I am blessed with enough kitchen counter to be able to have this place of rest for all those random items that arrive into the house during the week.

Here is it cleared off and ready to go for the weekend. Monday will be here before we know and I'm sure the countertop can't wait to be covered with new items that need a home. 

And here it is 16 hours after clearing it off. The clutter is slowing starting to pile up again. 
Well, and dinner is happening there, not all bad things gather there. 

There you have it, a real life glimpse into a piece of my world. My messy corner counter top.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Trick or Treat #4 + Pumpkin Fail

Halloween is just a week away! My kids are getting more and more excited. Last week I made pumpkins out of foam sheets  for them to play in the bathtub with. The foam sheets are great for bathtub fun. On Valentines Day I made them a bunch of hearts. They loved it.

The pumpkins weren't received as well. They used them for random things in the tub, but no pumpkins were made. This is what they currently look like sitting in the tub. No cute pumpkin faces stuck to the side of the bathtub. Maybe next time they hop in they'll find it more fun or maybe your kiddos will find it more fun?!

Onto our 4th Trick or Treat link up party. 
Just 7 more days left to get those Halloween projects in. 
These are the lovely ladies hosting this party with me.

Victoria Schilke - My Little Birds / Facebook / Pinterest

Here are the awesome features for this week. 
Grab a button if you were featured or link up one of your Halloween projects 
and grab a button for joining the party.

1. Randi's pick:  PVC pipe witch crashing by The Tip Toe Fairy 
2. Jessica's pick:  Yarn Candy Corn by Play Party Pin
3. Victoria's pick: Peek-a-boo ghost by Crafty Journal
4. Krystal's pick:  Halloween Drink Bottles by Play Party Pin
5. Ashley's pick:  Halloween card by Paper Seedlings

 If you were featured, feel free to grab the button and show it off!

<a href=" " rel="nofollow" title="sowderingabout"> <img src=" " width="200" height="200" alt="Trick or Treat Thursday" style="border:none;" /></a>

Party Button:

<a href=" " rel="nofollow" title="sowderingabout"> <img src=" " width="200" height="200" alt="Trick or Treat Thursday" style="border:none;" /></a>

Please read and follow the rules before adding your link.
1. You may link up as many projects as you would like.  They need to be YOUR creations and projects.
2. Link directly to your post and NOT to your main blog.
3. Please no giveaways, promotions, items for sale, roundups, or posts that do not belong to you.
4. Please make sure to click and check out the other projects linked up!

*By submitting your link you are authorizing me to post your projects and pictures as a feature and on various social media websites along with links to your post. I have the right to delete links that do not adhere to the rules.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


We've had new carpet for one week now. We survived the task of packing up, tearing out and preparing for it to go in. As well as unpacking and moving back in.

Haight Carpet in Woodinville did the installation. The two guys worked super hard and did a great job, were friendly and polite. Kristina Haight helped me pick out the carpet. She was really helpful through the process. I would highly recommend them.

We continue to be amazed by how different the house feels with new carpet. Everything looks bigger, cleaner and feels warmer.

Here are a few shots from before and after:

Every thing torn out upstairs and sealer painted on to seal some stain areas on the sub-floor. 

The living room...
we managed to keep the TV and cable hooked up during the process which the torture much better. 

The dining room, the rest of the house was packed in the garage. 

 The night before the carpet arrived the kids slept in their rooms like this. 

Luckily, Mema and Papa kept them until late afternoon, 
so when they arrived home they ate dinner, ran around a bit and went straight to bed. 

Sadie (on the left) was super stressed out the whole weekend while we tore the carpet out. 
She gets really worried when the routine gets changed. 
They were quite challenging to work around since they wouldn't leave our sight.
When we finally got our bed back in for the night they jumped up instantly and got comfortable.

 I of course didn't get a good before picture, but this is the 15 year old carpet before....

 and after with brand new carpet!
Pictures really don't do the before and after justice.

 The carpet multi-color, with browns, grays and creams.
Maybe not something you'd find in million dollar mansions, 
but for this house in the rainy Pacific Northwest, 
with two dogs and two kids, it is perfect.

 It may just be carpet, but it sure makes me happy.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Menu Monday

Life is pretty much back to normal after getting new carpet last week. All the boxes have been unpacked and everything has been put back in its place. We are ready to return to normal life with awesome carpet.

Monday -- Meatloaf

Tuesday -- leftovers

Wednesday -- Mac and Cheese (I'm having dinner out with our Toddler Group friends)

Thursday -- Tacos

Friday -- leftovers

Saturday -- White Chicken Enchiladas

Sunday -- Baked Pancakes

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Trick or Treat Link Up Party {Week 3}

It's Thursday again and I'm back for our third Trick or Treat Linky Party. If you haven't joined us yet, please do, by linking up your Halloween projects. Or have fun by checking out and getting inspired by all the fun projects already linked up from this week and the past two weeks.

Below are the the awesome projects we are featuring these week.

1. Krystal's pick:  Fall decor by Blue Cats and Roses
2. Jessica's pick:  Spider treat bags by Tanya's Creative Space
3. Ashley's pick:  Googly Eye Medallions by Crafting in the Rain
4. Victoria's pick:  Foam bats by The Sweet Life
5. Randi's pick:  Bat garland by TitiCrafty

Check out these fabulous ladies and what is going on over at their blogs as well.

Victoria Schilke - My Little Birds / Facebook / Pinterest

 If you were featured, feel free to grab the button and show it off!

<a href="" rel="nofollow" title="sowderingabout"> <img src="" width="200" height="200" alt="Trick or Treat Thursday" style="border:none;" /></a>

Now let's get the party up those projects!

Party Button:

<a href="" rel="nofollow" title="sowderingabout"> <img src="" width="200" height="200" alt="Trick or Treat Thursday" style="border:none;" /></a>

Please read and follow the rules before adding your link.
1. You may link up as many projects as you would like.
They need to be YOUR creations and projects.
2. Link directly to your post and NOT to your main blog.
3. Please no giveaways, promotions, items for sale, roundups, or posts that do not belong to you.
4. Please make sure to click and check out the other projects linked up!

*By submitting your link you are authorizing me to post your projects and pictures as a feature and on various social media websites along with links to your post. I have the right to delete links that do not adhere to the rules.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Menu Monday

What a weekend! Full of kid-less work with a bit of fun thrown in. The kids were off at Mema and Papa's as Kenny and I finished new carpet prep work. We were able to sneak out after our work was done both nights. We had dinner out Friday and Saturday and also saw the movie Gravity and check out The Collective On Tap afterwards.

On a side note: Gravity was a nail biting, on the edge of your seat movie. Well done and very unique. These days I tend to enjoy movies that make me laugh and there was no laughing in this movie. It was still good though.

Another side note: Getting work done with out kids around is simply amazing. Granted ripping up carpet and pulling up staples is not a fun task, but being able to do something continuously with out stopping to answer questions, check on, help, feed or entertain children is a nice feeling.

And onto our menu for the week:

Monday --Eggs and Toast

Tuesday -- Spaghetti and Meatballs

Wednesday -- leftovers

Thursday -- Sweet and Sticky Baked Chicken (new recipe)

Friday -- leftovers

Saturday -- Salmon

Sunday -- Pancake Night

Friday, October 11, 2013

Spiced up Smoothie

I've been wanting to try a "green" smoothie for a long time. We struggle getting the kids to eat veggies, though Adalyn does love her broccoli. Shane is hyper sensitive to new foods, textures and the color of food. Just getting him to take a vitamin in the morning is a daily challenge.

As of late, Shane has been a bit more daring in trying new foods. He LOVES watching cooking shows and I've found that really helps him with his willingness to try new things. He also like to help me bake or prep dinner food.

Honestly, I was flat scared to try a green smoothie because of the rejection I was sure to experience. Then one day a mommy friend of mine posted a picture of a smoothie on her Facebook page that she had made her son. She said her kiddo had drank it up in minutes. I saw the picture and knew instantly that was the way to my son's heart. It was all about the presentation. Marketing can easily add to any Mommy's resume!

It is all about the whip cream, sprinkles, fancy cup and straw. Those factors seemed to detour Shane from the fact that there were green specks in this smoothie. He was so excited to try it that I didn't get ANY questions about what was in the smoothie. Truly Amazing!

The first time I made it I did it with him still at school. That way he didn't see the ingredients that I put in. I was very worried the moment he saw me throw some green items into the blender, the chance of him trying it would be slim to none.

When he got home I hyped the heck out of this thing. I told him about the yummy special surprise I had for him and that Adalyn and I had tried it and it was super good.

Man, was I nervous! But he liked it and liked it a lot. 

The next day he ASKED for another smoothie at lunch time. Um, yeah, I can make you one! I asked him if he thought he wanted to help and see what was in it, or if it was better I surprised him with it. I was still nervous that if he saw what went in it, he'd never consume it again. As he helped me make it, I reminded him about he much he liked it yesterday.

As the green items came out and went in the blender, he asked what they were, but was going with the flow. Again, can you say Amazing!

He gobbled it down and I was super relieved.

Day 3 and 4 he asked for them again. Each day we talked about how it tasted a bit different and rated which one we liked best and how it tasted different. Like it tasted more bananaie, or rasperberryish, etc.  I had been missing the honey ingredient the whole time. Finally I got some and on day 5 added the honey, against Shane's will. How bad can honey be, we survived the greens!!?

He tried the smoothie with honey on day 5 and refused to drink it. Darn it. He said he didn't like the honey at all. Really?!!? I can say after drinking mine, I was very surprised by how much the honey stood out in the flavor. Fingers crossed tomorrow I can get him to drink it with out the honey. I sure hope I didn't ruin our smoothie drinking.

Below is the recipe I used (Thanks, Melissa for sharing it!). Each time I made it the amount of ingredients varied slightly.

1 Banana
1/2 cup strawberries
1/4 cup raspberries
1/2 cup applesauce
1T. chia seeds (I didn't use these)
1 small container of plain yogurt
1cup kale
1 cup spinach
1T honey (or not)
splash of water (I use milk)
 5 ice cubes