Thursday, April 26, 2012

Celebrating Women Fair

I'm hosting a huge event at my house in a couple weeks (Saturday, May 5th from 2-4pm). I'm not sure exactly how it all happened, but I'm excited to have 10 vendors here. They are all small business ran by Mommies looking to make extra income and be as hands on as they can with their families, too. I love supporting local Mommy run businesses. With Mother's Day right around the corner, stop by and get your shopping done all while supporting awesome Mom's hard at work.

Check out this list of companies!

Close To My Heart                                                Thirty-One
Jessica Booth                                                             Beth Delescavage

Pampered Chef                                                            Stella and Dot
Heidi Noggle                                                                Nicole Snider

Usborne Books                                                          Scentsy
Jennifer Bretsch                                                        Samantha Witt

Mary Kay                                                                        Uppercase Living
Dayna Hall                                                                     Nicole Roberts

Tami Blue

Plus, an exclusive clothing line!
Even more exciting is that we will have 11 prizes to give away, including a HUGE        grand prize basket. 

Visit the Facebook invitation page for more details.  

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Take Steps, Be Heard For Crohn's and Colitis

Are you ready to join me!!? Walking Madness is looking for new team members. We'll be walking in the Take Steps, Be Heard For Crohn's and Colitis walk on Saturday, June 9th at 3pm. It's a causal 2-3 mile walk around Magnuson park.

If you aren't local and can't join me feel free to swing by my donation page. Every dollar helps to find a cure for Crohn's and Colitis.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Sensory Processing Disorder Part 1

I've been putting this post off for months because I just don't feel like I can do it justice. There are so many little details and thoughts that I want to add or things that I want to say, but I just feel like they'll all come out in a jumbled mess. I've decided to make this a series to help get the information out in a nicer fashion.

Let me begin here....

After living with Shane for 4.5 years and ending most days with confusion and frustration towards his behaviors and feeling frustrated by the continued response from society that he will "out grow it", we decided to get a consultation from his Pediatrician. I spent a good chunk of time talking with her about what we were seeing and feeling about Shane. She didn't have any out right thoughts, but we came up with a plan and from there I was able to find help for him.

After working off the "plan" that his Doctor gave me, I was able to do some calling and researching and decided to have him evaluated by an Occupational Therapist. I really had no idea what the outcome was going to be, but it was a place to start and we had hopes we'd get some answers. Because we really didn't believe Shane was "just going to outgrow" what we saw behavior wise day to day.

The evaluation showed that he had Sensory Processing Disorder. Phew....we weren't crazy. There was something going on and we can help him with it! That was an awesome feeling.

What is Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)? Below is a video made by an 8 year old boy who has SPD. It's broken down so simply and perfect. Please watch and I think you'll get a great idea of what SPD is.

Stay tuned for Sensory Processing Disorder Part 2.

Menu Monday

I'm going with a two week plan this time around because Kenny's parents will be visiting at the end of this week, so I figured if I get this week and next week figured out it will make things tons easier. Of  course, I'm sure there will be revisions, but I'd prefer to be over planned then under planned. Online cooking schools can also teach you mouth watering recipes perfect for all occasions.

Monday -- leftovers from last night

Tuesday -- Baked Chicken and Rice (from the freezer)

Wednesday -- leftovers

Thursday -- Lemon Garlic Spaghetti

Friday -- Baked Potato Bar

Saturday -- Taco Bar

Sunday -- Spaghetti

Monday -- Salmon and Halibut (grilled if we can find ourselves a BBQ, who knew it would be so hard!?)

Tuesday -- Pizza and Salad

Wednesday -- Baked Macaroni and Cheese

Thursday -- leftovers

Friday -- Tuna Casserole

Saturday -- leftovers

Sunday -- Raid the 'Frig Night

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Dotty For You

To celebrate National Scrapbooking Month, in May, Close To My Heart is offering this awesome paper packet called Dotty For You from now until May 31st (while supplies last).

This paper packet has 24 cardstock weight patterned paper with different prints on both sides. It's valued at $19.95, but it can be yours FREE or for just $5!
There are three ways to get this pack:

  • Place an order of $35 or more from the Spring/Summer 2012 Idea Book and add the Dotty for You paper pack for only $5.
  • Host a gathering with sales of $400 or more and in addition to your already wonderful hostess rewards, you will also receive the Dotty for You paper pack FREE!
  • Join Close To My Heart as a new Consultant and receive a Dotty for You paper pack FREE!
Look at what you could get from $35 and coordinate it with this cute and versatile paper packet.

Paradise Baker's Twine (Z1702) $4.95

Paradise Paper Flowers (Z1710) $5.95

Smoothie Mini Medley Accents Collection (Z1697) $4.95

Sunset Mini Medley Accents Collection (Z1338) $4.95

Keepsake Felt Alphabet (Z1696) $5.95

Color Ready Accents (Z1718) $5.95

Sparkles in blue and green (Z1327) $2.95

Total: $35.62 and you get the Dotty For You paper packet for just $5!!

Stay tuned for Dotty artwork coming soon!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Conversations With Shane

We've had our fair share of rough days around this house. Today wasn't one of those though. I want to remember some of the simple little things Shane said today so on those rough days I can look back at them and remember not all days are a battle.

During lunch today (which was chicken rice soup and canned pears...yay...sometimes you do what ya gotta do).

Shane: This is the best day ever and this is the best lunch ever.

I honestly have no idea why today rocked so much in his little mind. Prior to lunch we had spent an hour in the car to and from the emission test place. Guess we should do that more often?!?

One of the oddest things about today was that Kenny didn't come home after work. He had an evening meeting a couple hours away. This happens every now and then. Those days can be really, really long!
During dinner, which was just Shane and I since Adalyn had already gone to bed and Kenny was gone.

I asked Shane what he wanted for dinner. He said the noodles from last night (I was throw off by this request since he hated them last night). 

Shane: I'm going to try my noodles now.

Me: Okay, that would be awesome.

Shane: Mmmmm, they are really, really good!! I like them a lot.

Me: Aren't they yummy. I like them a lot, too. I'm so proud of you for trying them.

Shane: I knew you were going to say that. It makes me happy to do the right thing.

My heart melted!

Later into dinner.

Shane: It's a lot of fun when Daddy and Adalyn are gone.

Me: Oh, but we have fun when they are here and we love them lots.

Shane: Yes, but it's so quiet when they are gone. There isn't as much talking and noise.

I really didn't have anything to say to this statement besides the fact it screams his Sensory Processing Disorder (more to come on that soon). But the comment made me chuckle.

It was an pretty awesome day considering I had the little buggers from 7:30am until bedtime all by myself. I even took Shane to his baseball practice with Adalyn in tow. This day I'll remember when I want to pull my hair out and am counting down the minutes until Kenny gets home from work. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Fun at the Park

While Shane was off playing in his T-ball game last Saturday, Adalyn and I headed over to the park for some fun.

I just don't have my camera with me as much these days when I'm out with two kiddos. Here is a rare glimpse of Adalyn having fun at the park. She LOVES being outside.

As much as she loves being outside, she loves watching all the other people. She spent a lot of time standing and watching the happenings around her.

"Mommy, your in my way! I can't see what all those kids are doing."

Having fun going down the slides. Something that her Big Brother has just started to enjoy doing on his own.

Note: While outside you must always have a pile of rocks, dirt or bark in one hand at all times!

She also spent a lot of time moving rocks and bark from the ground to this picnic bench. Happy as a clam.

All that stuff on the bench was from Adalyn. She made many trips back and forth, back and forth piling up stuff.
Note: When you start to put these rocks, dirt or bark into your mouth, that means you are all done playing outside. Now it is time to go home for a nap!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Menu Monday

I recently had a Tastefully Simple party and now have a stocked pantry of yummy TS foods. I even got there super cool Tastefully Simple Tonight Collection, that has 10 different meals for you to make or freeze. This week our menus will be from this collection of recipes. I can't wait to try them all out.

Monday -- T-ball season is in full swing. Tonight is our first night of all 4 of us needing to be in four different places all at one time. Dinner will be a grab and go kinda of night. A HUGE thanks to Julie for taking Adalyn for a couple hours when we realized what our evening schedule looked like late last night.

Tuesday -- Sensational Beef Stroganoff

Wednesday -- leftovers

Thursday -- Artichoke and Spinach Chicken

Friday -- leftovers

Saturday --  Mediterranean Fish (hopefully BBQed with our new one!!)

Sunday -- leftovers

Friday, April 13, 2012

March Project: Canvas Hand and Foot Prints

I've been checking off my list of 12 projects that I am completing in 2012. Last month I completed this super cheap, quick and easy canvas hand and foot prints.


I purchased a set of 9x9 canvas squares from Micheal's.

I painted a base coat of acrylic paint on them in chocolate brown and let that dry and then did one more coat of paint.

Then I painted the kiddos (4.5 years old and 16 months old) hands in cream colored acrylic paint and "stamped" them down on the canvas. I had a couple little extra marks on Shane's hand print that I easily fixed by painting over them with the chocolate paint. I actually had to completely redo Adalyn's first foot print attempt. But it was so easy to repaint it and try it again.

They hang in my laundry room. I love seeing their little prints when I walk in and out of the room.

I never posted my January project, which was a Family Photo Wreath. It also hangs in my laundry room. I used Close To My Heart Pemberly paper on it and my Art Philosophy Cricut Cartridge to cut out the circles. I wrapped a foam wreath in satin chocolate brown ribbon. Then pinned the pictures to the wreath. I think I never posted it because I wasn't completely happy with the embellishments I used. I was hoping for some bigger flowers, but I have yet to find something I like better.

A Little Inspiration

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sensory Table

What do I do when my kids are driving me crazy? I get out the "sensory table" aka water table and put something fun in it. This week they've been playing with corn meal. The table moves around in our house. It lives in Shane's room, but I'll bring it out to the living room for Adalyn and Arli to play in it. When the weather gets nice I move it out to the deck. That is where it's been this week. Yesterday it rained though. Shane discovered this morning that water and corn meal are pretty fun to play with, too.

A couple weeks ago I added oatmeal. Actually, the first time I used oatmeal I was making dinner and Adalyn just wasn't happy. I poured some out in a couple containers and let her have at it. She was super entertained.

Yes, it gets messy. But I am okay with the mess if it gives me a happy kid. Towards the end of her play she started to move the oatmeal to the living room. That was where I drew the line and cleaned it all up.

Other things I've added to the table (you can use containers or bins, too):
  • leaves
  • lentils (small enough so they aren't a choking hazard for the little ones)
  • noodles 
  • shaving cream 
  • rice
There really are just so many things you can do sensory wise. The possibilities are endless.  Adalyn usually eats what ever I put in there, but it's all natural and edible so I don't mind.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter 2012

What a wonderful Easter weekend we had. It started off with Kenny's big 35th birthday on Friday. Since my parents were in town, Kenny and I went out for dinner. Sadly, Kenny wasn't feeling well that day, so he really didn't get to enjoy the day a whole lot.

Saturday was a gorgeous day outside. We headed to the Easter egg hunt at our church. Neither of my kiddos were really into it. Just to many people and to much chaos. Shane did LOVE seeing the Easter bunny though.

Saturday afternoon we had a babysitter arranged to watch the kiddos, so that the grown ups could go and tour Red Hook Brewery. I love that the kids are super happy having a babysitter now. Love it!!

Sunday morning both kids were up early. Shane was so excited to see his Easter basket.
Shane colored eggs...
and Adalyn made a spring sticker picture.
The weather on Sunday was amazing. It's the first Easter in Shane's lifetime that it hasn't been pouring down rain. Which meant we were able to do the egg hunt outside. Which was a huge hit. Egg hunting was actually such a hit, we brought the eggs back inside and did another one inside. I think you could hide eggs for them all day long and they would find them.

Hope you had a fantastic Easter weekend as well!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Menu Monday

This fantastic weather we've been having makes me want to BBQ, but ours is currently broken. It's on the to-do list of things to get taken care of, soon I hope, so we can have some yummy hamburgers and salmon!

Monday -- Easter Dinner leftovers

Tuesday -- Chicken Ranch Tacos (in the crockpot)

Wednesday -- leftovers

Thursday -- Macaroni and Beef with Cheese (So Yummy!)

Friday -- leftovers

Saturday -- Fresh and Hearty Tomato Pasta

Sunday -- leftovers

Monday, April 2, 2012

Menu Monday

Monday -- leftover French Dip Sandwiches

Tuesday -- White Cheddar Chicken Pasta

Wednesday -- leftovers

Thursday -- Tex-Mex Beef and Rice Casserole (revised slightly)

Friday -- Kenny's Birthday!! We are headed out for dinner while my Parents watch the kiddos. Guess I'll need to feed them too, though.

Saturday -- We are taking a tour at the Red Hook Brewery with my Parents (kiddos get a babysitter!), maybe we'll be able to sneak dinner in there??

Sunday -- Easter Dinner: Prime Rib, Roasted Vegetables, Dinner Rolls and mashed potatoes.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Do Over

Ekkkk.....that was a weekend that I would really like to a do over again, but with different results. 

Thursday at 10pm Adalyn woke up with a fever around 101. She was not a happy camper, so she headed to bed with me where she slept fitfully. Friday morning I called the Doctor. After talking to the nurse about her symptoms I decided to take her in that afternoon for a check-up. The Doctor found that both of her ears were infected and prescribed her antibiotics. I knew that getting medicine down her was going to be a struggle. Getting her to take Advil is a miracle in and of itself. She was feeling so terrible that she would gag and throw up instantly after giving her medicine. We weren't able to mix it in with anything because she was not eating anything or even drinking milk. Just a few sips of water here and there.

Friday night was really rough. She woke up in pain constantly and even throw up twice. We went back to see the Doctor Saturday morning to discuss giving her an antibiotic shot. The Doctor decided that she also had a sinus infection as well. We decided to go ahead with the shot instead of fighting her for the next 10 days with medicine. She was such a champ! She had to have a shot in each leg. We then had to hang out for 30 minutes to make sure she didn't have an allergic reaction. Which at the time we didn't think she had had one.

Saturday she slept on and off and continued to be super clingy. Only Mommy could hold her or help her.  I took her clothes off that evening to give her a bath and discovered a rash all over her body. A reaction from the shot, but luckily that was it, no breathing problems occurred. She spent another night in bed with me, again waking up in pain constantly.

She woke up Sunday morning with a smile on her face and snuggles for me. I knew she was feeling slightly better and her rash was completely gone. If she continues to improve we won't have to go back and get another round of shots.

As we dealt with Adalyn all weekend long we had a jammed packed weekend of already scheduled plans.

9am -- siding contractor come over to give us an estimate (it took 2.5 hours!!!) and we won't even be using that company.

10:30-Noon -- Shane was suppose to have baseball practice, but it got canceled due to the pouring down rain.

Noon -- I was suppose to get my teeth cleaned, but that also got canceled since I couldn't leave Adalyn's side.

2pm -- Another painting/siding guy came over for an estimate. Not using him either. We really need to find a good painting/siding company. 

3:30 -- The dogs had a hair cut appointment. They came back looking and smelling fantastic.

7:30 -- I had a 6 friends coming over for "Creative Night".

We were happy to hit the hay Saturday night and lay low on Sunday (I did have to cancel some plans on Sunday as well). But really if we could re-do this weekend, that would be even better. Here's to Baby Girl feeling a lot better this week! 

Upcoming Classes (April and May)

Stella 5 Card Class 
Wednesday, April 11th at 7pm
Cost: $8 for 5 cards and envelopes 

Studio J Digital Scrapbooking Class
Friday, April 20th at 7pm
Cost: FREE!
Ready to see what Studio J and digital scrapbooking is all about? We'll walk through how to make a lay out and compare it to a classic paper layout. Feel free to bring a laptop and work along with me. 

Mini Milk Carton Workshop
Thursday, May 3rd at 7pm
Cost: $10 for Two Mini Milk Carton's
These sweet things are perfect for Teacher Appreciation Week (May 7-11th), 
Mother's Day (May 13th) and Father's Day (June 17th). 
You can fill them with treats or even a gift card. 

I'll have a variety of paper and sentiments for you to create the perfect carton for what you need. 

Scrapbooking Workshop and Crop
Saturday, May 19th at 7pm
Did you know that May is National Scrapbooking Month? 
Join me for an evening of scraping. 
You can pick to bring your own projects 
or choose to complete one that I have prepped and ready to go.