It's been a on my To Do List: Get H1N1 vaccinations for Shane and myself (having an auto-immune disease, I qualified to get one). But I just hadn't really figured out how I was going to go about getting them for us.
Monday morning I woke up to hear about a large number of pharmacies in our area that would be having them available this week. I found one just down the street from us, which happened to be the only one that would give it to kids 2 years or older. They had the nasal spray also, which I wanted Shane to get (it doesn't have all the extra added mercury in it). Shane and I didn't have anything to do that morning, so I thought we'd "pop" on over there and get them. I figured maybe an hour tops wait. I packed us some snacks, grabbed the stroller (I knew the parking situation may be crazy), threw in an extra blanket just in case it was a little chilly outside and off we went.
When I pulled up I started to realize I may be in over my head. The line was already way longer then I had anticipated, but I figured I'd still give it a try. I found a parking spot 3 blocks away. Got us out of the car (forgetting the wasn't raining....yet!) and ran to get in line.
We got in line which was outside at 8:30am. The rain slowly but steadily started coming. I was wishing and dreaming about the umbrella back in the car, and hoping that we both didn't end up sick from hanging out in the wet cold rain. About an hour into our wait I started to question what to do. Oh, yeah, I also left my cell phone at home. Again thinking, just a quick stop, no reason to turn around and get it. Thankfully, there were nice people around us in line, one that gave us an umbrella to use, and another that let me call Kenny twice to check in with him. I shared some snacks with the little girl behind us. Her Dad forgetting to bring some, when he also thought it wouldn't be very long.
Four hours later, we had both received our vaccinations! Right after we got ours, they started to do a count. They were nearing the end of their supply. We were wet, tired, hungry, cold, but vaccinated against the Swine Flu! Shane needs a booster nasal spray after 28 days. I sure hope we don't have to do another 4 hours again! Shane certainly deserved a huge award after that morning. He did fantastic! What a trooper.